
Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date
Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

To set the current day link to the selected date, overriding the default of today, when set to true. To define which day is considered the first day of the week, and will be displayed as the left-most column. It can take values from either slow, normal, or fast, or the number of milliseconds for the animation to span. To define the speed of the animation that makes the datepicker appear. Its value can be a date instance, the number of days from today, or a string specifying an absolute or relative date. To set the initial date for the control, overriding the default value of today, when the element has no value. To provide the short day names with the 0th element representing Sunday. To provide the minimal day names with the 0th element representing Sunday, used as column headers.


To provide the full day names with the 0th element representing Sunday. To define the text to replace the default caption of today for the current button, when the button panel is displayed via the showButtonPanel option. To text entry into the element is constrained to characters allowed by the current Dateformat option, when set to true (the default). To define the text to replace the default caption of done for the close button, when the button panel is displayed via the showbuttonpanel option. To control the years made available for selection, the option yearRange can be used. To display a year dropdown, allowing the user to directly change the year without using the arrow buttons to step through them, when set to true. To display a month dropdown, allowing the user to directly change the month without using the arrow buttons to step through them, when set to true. The default value is provided by the $.datepicker.iso8601week() utility function.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

To calculate and return the week number for a date passed as the lone parameter. To define a caption for the button enabled by setting the showOn option to one of buttons or both.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

It is also important that the showOn option is still being set to one of buttons or both for the image to appear. To indicate that the image specified by buttonImage is to appear standalone (not on a button), when set to true. The button text becomes the alt attribute of the button, when the buttonText is also present. To define the path to an image to be displayed on the button enabled by setting the showOn option to one of buttons or both. It is a callback function that must return a three-element array. It is also used to override some of the default behavior of the day elements. To take a date value as parameter, which is invoked for each day in the datepicker just before it is displayed, with the date passed as the only parameter. It can return an options hash used to modify the datepicker. It is invoked just before a datepicker is displayed, with the element and datepicker instance passed as parameters. To resize the element to accommodate the datepicker’s date format as set with the date format option, when set to true. To be placed after the element, intended to show instructions to the user. Used when an altField option is specified. To facilitate the format for the value to be written to the alternate element. It is usually used for setting date values into a hidden input element to be submitted to the server, while displaying a more user-friendly format to the user.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

To set the format for this value, the altFormat option is used. To define a jQuery selector for a field that is also updated with any date selections.

jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date

The various options that can be used with this method are listed below: Option I have set the local defaults and have it producing the correct date format that I want (dd/mm/yyyy).$ (selector, context ). I am using the jQuery datepicker to request date input from the user.

Jquery datepicker setdate shows wrong date