Even the most steel-bodied heroes are having a tough time taking him out, and he’s only growing stronger by the minute. The Youpi fight really takes center stage in recent episodes. Not that this is something unique to Hunter x Hunter, but it certainly stands out over the course of this leg. Whether it’s Ikalgo spending way too much time trying to think up the perfect strategy to get rid of a pesky roaming soldier, or Knuckle working on his timing against the virtually indestructible Menthuthuyoupi (AKA Youpi for less of a mouthful), it seems we’ve been spending a lot of screen time in, well, long stretches of bullet time. It wasn’t until I was watching an episode with someone who doesn’t really watch anime that I started noticing just how much inner monologue action is going on in this portion. It’s funny how long you can follow a show like this without really paying attention to some of its key quirks. Ever since he battled Killua he’s been on the side of good, and he’s been using his powers to take over the bodies of dead ant soldiers to assist in his search for Palm, who hasn’t been heard from since she infiltrated the King’s palace.

One of the better recent additions is Ikalgo, a turncoat octopus ant who we didn’t have much room to talk about in the magazine. One of the true signs of Hunter x Hunter‘s quality is the fact that it can often steer us away from its leads to focus on some of the other characters desperately attempting to take out the Chimera Ant King. If the events transpiring of late are any indication, things are coming to a head in the Chimera Ant storyline, and it’s only going to get uglier (read: more entertaining) from here on out. Just in case we didn’t get the message across in the cover story, Madhouse’s adaptation of Yoshihiro Togashi’s manga is still ace, and we’ve since managed to get up to speed with the last handful of episodes to hit broadcast. The new issue of Otaku USA-which should be making its way to stores right about now-goes all in on the current Hunter x Hunter anime arc.